The best time to climb Kilimanjaro

Climbing Mount Kilimanjaro, the highest free-standing mountain in the world and the highest peak in Africa, is a thrilling and challenging adventure. The best time to climb Kilimanjaro largely depends on weather conditions, trekking conditions, and personal preferences. It's important to note that while I will provide information, it's always best to consult us at +255 787 611 982 WhatsApp or email us via for the most up-to-date and personalized advice.

1. Dry Season

The best time to climb Kilimanjaro is during the dry season, which generally falls into two main periods:
January to mid-March
This is considered the primary dry season, characterized by clear skies and little rainfall. The weather is generally warm during the day and colder at night, especially at higher altitudes. This period is often the busiest in terms of tourist activity.

June to October
This period is also part of the dry season and is another popular time to climb Kilimanjaro. Similar to the January to mid-March period, the weather is usually clear, making for excellent trekking conditions.

2. Wet Season

The wet season occurs in two main periods:
Late March to May
This period experiences heavy rainfall and is generally considered the long rainy season. Climbing during this time can be more challenging due to the slippery and muddy trails, as well as reduced visibility.

November to early December
This is the short rainy season, with some rainfall but typically not as heavy or consistent as the long rainy season.

3. Factors to Consider

Climbing during the dry season increases the likelihood of clear skies, offering stunning views and a more pleasant experience overall. However, it's essential to be prepared for changing weather conditions, as temperatures can vary significantly between daytime and nighttime.

The dry season is the most popular time to climb Kilimanjaro, so you can expect more climbers on the trails and at the camps. If you prefer a quieter and less crowded experience, consider climbing during the wet season.

Climbing Kilimanjaro is a challenging endeavor, regardless of the time of year. However, trekking during the wet season may add extra difficulties due to the slippery and muddy terrain.

The best time to climb Kilimanjaro

Month-by-month highlights during climbing Kilimanjaro

Each month offers different highlights and challenges. Below is a month-by-month breakdown of the best times to climb Kilimanjaro:

1. January

January is within the short dry season, offering relatively clear skies and excellent visibility, providing breathtaking views during the ascent.

As this is one of the peak months, there might be more climbers on the trails and at the camps.

2. February

Similar to January, February falls within the short dry season, providing favorable weather conditions and high chances of reaching the summit.

Due to the pleasant weather, February remains a busy month on Kilimanjaro, and early booking is recommended.

3. March

The short dry season continues, making March another viable month for climbing Kilimanjaro. The mountain's routes are less crowded compared to January and February.

While it is still relatively dry, the likelihood of afternoon showers increases as the month progresses.

4. April

April marks the beginning of the long rainy season. The landscape is lush and green, and there are fewer climbers on the trails.

Climbing Kilimanjaro in April requires thorough preparation for wet and muddy conditions, and summit success rates might be slightly lower.

The best time to climb Kilimanjaro

5. May

The long rainy season continues, and while it might be wet, the mountain's beauty is at its peak with blooming flora and fewer tourists.

The trails can be slippery, and the visibility might be reduced. Be prepared for challenging trekking conditions.

6. June

June is the start of the short dry season, with less rainfall and improving weather. The mountain becomes more accessible, and wildlife sightings are more common.

The number of climbers begins to increase as the weather improves.

7. July

July falls within the short dry season, providing excellent trekking conditions and high chances of summit success. The weather is generally mild and stable.

July is one of the busiest months, so book early to secure permits and accommodations.

8. August

Similar to July, August offers favorable weather and clear skies, making it a popular month for climbing Kilimanjaro.

Crowds can be significant during August, so consider alternative routes if you prefer a quieter experience.

The best time to climb Kilimanjaro

9. September

The short dry season continues in September, offering fantastic trekking conditions and stunning views.

Like August, September can be crowded. However, the weather remains favorable for summit attempts.

10. October

October is the end of the short dry season, with decreasing crowds and still relatively good weather conditions.

The likelihood of afternoon showers starts to increase as October progresses.

11. November

November marks the start of the long rainy season, with the mountain becoming quieter as fewer climbers venture during this time.

Climbing Kilimanjaro in November requires preparation for wet and muddy trails, and summit success rates may be lower.

12. December

December is within the long rainy season, resulting in a quieter mountain with fewer climbers.

Be prepared for wet and challenging conditions, especially during the latter part of the month.

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